Success Story: Jessica Vadnais

Before 3

Before 3

Jason,I came to you through a close friend of mine three months before my summer wedding. I was struggling to lose weight and was dreading what was supposed to be the most joyous day of my life. After trying on wedding dress, after wedding dress- and even purchasing three different ones; I finally discovered that it wasn’t the dresses that I didn’t like. It was my body. I was not comfortable in my own skin. Buying a wedding dress is supposed to be exciting and fun and you’re supposed to get “that feeling”… and cry tears of joy when you finally find “the one.” Well, I experienced none of those feelings. I felt dread, and sadness, and disappointment. I can’t even begin to explain the emotional roller coaster this stupid dress was causing me. The feelings I had about my body. Everyone told me “you’re beautiful,” “you look amazing in your dress,” and “you are going to be such a pretty bride.” But I felt none of that.



When I came to you, I admit I was skeptical. I was filled with doubt. I had tried everything, and I mean everything to lose this weight. I tried numerous diets and I had been to a personal trainer before- only to lose nothing but my money. I was done. I had given up on everything.



Then I met you. You gave me hope. I drove more than 60 miles three times every week to see you. In 12 weeks, I saw results. My body changed. I lost 12 pounds. With each session I felt more empowered, and more confident than the one before. The day of my wedding, I came to you for a 6am session. It was the perfect way to start the most amazing day of my life. That morning ,when I put on my wedding dress, I felt amazing! I felt beautiful! I felt like a bride! I have beautiful wedding pictures that I can look back on now, and not feel ashamed of my body.

My experience with you has been life changing. You pushed me harder than anyone ever has before. You have encouraged me, believed in me, and inspired me to take control of my health (body, mind, and soul). You did not let me give up; you did not let me fail. I have done things I never thought I could possibly do in a million years. Today, I am stronger. I am happier. I am more confident. Thank you for always being there. Thank you for making me feel beautiful again. Thank you for strengthening my entire self. I am finally back to “ME.”

Forever grateful, Jess

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